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Weird Microsoft Bugs / Facts and explination

Here's some Weird Microsoft Bugs/ Facts that i came to know about :

1) You cannot name or rename a file , folder or any other shortcut for that matter as "con" (without quotes) ... Give it a try.
Explanation : 'con' is a reserved word from the old DOS days, simply meaning 'console'.

2)Open a New/Empty notepad file , type in "Bush hid the facts" (without the quotes) , Save and close it , Reopen it and see what you get !!!
: Is this a conspiracy ??? is microsoft Anti-Bush ??? ... No , you can get a detailed explanation here

3) Open a New Microsoft Word and type in (yes without the quotes) "=rand(xx,xx)" (replace x with any number) and press enter (eg "=rand(5,5) " ) .
Explanation : the reason you get lines, paragraphs , pages (depending upon the number entered) is because its a syntax for inserting random text . But why does is display the sentence " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog " ... Well it's because that sentence has every word in the English alphabet .

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