1:06 AM | 1 Comments

12:50 AM | 0 Comments

Anak Menakan vs Anak Saudara

Ni la dia anak2 saudara dan anak2 menakan aku..8 owang doh...best gak anak sedara ramai2 ni..tp yang x bestnya tu time raye ar..nak kene kasi duit raya...apa2 pon...dalam reramai ni sorang je princes,yang lain sume jantan ..leh buat team futsal da...let me introduce u all k...

Ni anak buah aku yang first kot..kalau xsilap la...dah tatau da yang mane kuaq dulu..ramai sangat..nama dia Muhammad Syafiq Bin Mustaza.anak akak aku yang 1st.Aku panggil dia syafiq

Ni plak Muhammad Azizol Bin Muhd Nasir..anak abang aku. Ni plak aku panggil dia jijon..dulu gemok..skunk da kurus sket

Ni anak akak aku yang first gak, nama dia Muhammad Syahmi Bin Mustaza..time ni kurus ja..tapi aku balik aritu dah jadi macah jijon dah..ni aku panggil syahmi

Akak aku yang 2nd jelous lak...sbb akak aku yng first da ada 2 hero...so "wazza" dapat la si hakim ni..nama dia Muhammad Aiman Hakim Bin Muhammad Subrie..

Ha ha ha..Ni anak akak aku yang first jugak..Muhammad Akil Bin Mustaza.rasanya pic ni time raye kot..nakal nak mampos...tp kekadang manja.aku panggil akil

Muhammad Daim Bin Mohd Nasir..ha..ni plak anak abg aku..aku panggil daim ja.."peace ke tu" dulu xmo mai umah tok dia..la ni ..hahahahha mai sampai xmo balik plak...huhuhuhuh

Ni la salah sowang puteri dalam ramai2 anak buah aku...yang lain suma jantan..ni je pompuan.Eliesya Nur Diana Bin Muhammad Subrie..ni anak akak aku yang 2nd..cian plak die xda kawan..kawan la ngan yang lain tu..men bola..men tembak2 ..hahah..aku panggil "cah"

Ni anak sedara aku yang last buat masa ni..aku berharap sangat ada lagi lepas ni..bet doh anak sedara reramai ni..biaq rioh satu kampung..ni arrif..Muhammad Arrif Bin Mustaza..kecik lg ni..wat masa ni dia la plaing manaja..tataw la besaq nanti,jangan jadi macam abag2 dia dah..ligat nak mampos

11:35 PM | 1 Comments

Puppy Linux


What is Puppy Linux?

Puppy Linux is an operating system for computers. Other well-known operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX, and MS-DOS. Puppy Linux is based on GNU/Linux. It is completely free and open source software.

How is Puppy Different?

Small size, around 93MB! This lends itself to some very useful and unique features;
'Live' booting from CDs, DVDs, USB flash drives, and other portable media.
Ability to run entirely from RAM, making it unusually fast and particularly relevant to modern PCs with solid state CF drives as used in Netbooks
Very low minimum system requirements Boot times, well under a minute
Usability and Compatibility
Complete range of applications: wordprocessors, spreadsheets, internet browsers, games and image editors.
Extra software in the form of dotpets and dotpups.
There is a Puppy Software Installer included
Puppy is easy to use and little technical knowledge is assumed.
Hardware is automatically detected.

You will often find, whereas on other operating systems you had to install extra driver software to get your particular device functioning, Puppy will succesfully detect and install the driver without prompting.

How is Puppy organised?

It depends on what is trying to be achivedVersion 4.2 of Puppy is a benevolent dictatorship run by project leader WarrenIndividual projects are run by individuals or a core cell of individualsBecause Puppy is both flexible and fast, we can set up an organization as required for a given aim

Who owns Puppy?

We all do. Puppy is covered by the LGPL license an open source license

Who created Puppy?

Puppy Linux was first released in June 2003 by Barry Kauler The community, is completely organic without any formal agenda or structure. It often takes newcomers a while to realise that there aren't really any rules to Puppy, if you want to do something, make a new Puplet, offer your skills or take things in a new direction you can just do that, no-one will stop you!

Where does the name come from?"

The real Puppy, the mascot for Puppy Linux, was a very tiny dog, a Chihuahua, but totally fearless. He didn't seem to know that he was vulnerable because of his small size. Once when my sister was visiting my country property, she brought her Blue Heeler, a very solid middle-sized dog named Muti. We were out walking, and suddenly there was a substantial rustling of branches of a large bush, something was in or behind the bush. Muti took fright and ran back behind the legs of my sister, whereas Puppy got into launch position in front of the bush and barked furiously. It turned out to be my dad playing a trick on the dogs. Puppy used to chase kangaroos and other big wild animals. Anyway, Puppy Linux is like that, reckless, unshackled, in memory of the mascot" Barry Kauler.

11:23 PM | 0 Comments

Weird Microsoft Bugs / Facts and explination

Here's some Weird Microsoft Bugs/ Facts that i came to know about :

1) You cannot name or rename a file , folder or any other shortcut for that matter as "con" (without quotes) ... Give it a try.
Explanation : 'con' is a reserved word from the old DOS days, simply meaning 'console'.

2)Open a New/Empty notepad file , type in "Bush hid the facts" (without the quotes) , Save and close it , Reopen it and see what you get !!!
: Is this a conspiracy ??? is microsoft Anti-Bush ??? ... No , you can get a detailed explanation here

3) Open a New Microsoft Word and type in (yes without the quotes) "=rand(xx,xx)" (replace x with any number) and press enter (eg "=rand(5,5) " ) .
Explanation : the reason you get lines, paragraphs , pages (depending upon the number entered) is because its a syntax for inserting random text . But why does is display the sentence " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog " ... Well it's because that sentence has every word in the English alphabet .

Got any more ??? leave it at the comments

8:19 AM | 0 Comments

Berbagai Petua Menjaga Prestasi Seks Anda

Segala apa yang dilakukan mempunyai kesan samada serta merta atau berjangka panjang. Pelbagai petua pantang larang telah diajarkan oleh orang-orang tua Melayu bagi menjaga kesihatan tenaga batin. Ia bukan bertujuan mengharamkan yang halal tetapi berupa nasihat hasil dari pengalaman orang-orang terdahulu.

  1. Jangan amalkan minum air batu kerana ia mengakibatkan zakar menjadi sejuk serta lembik dan mengakibatkan batang zakar ngilu bila jima'. Batang zakar harus sentiasa panas.
  2. Jangan makan nasi berulamkan air. Minum air setelah selesai makan nasi, melainkan jika tercekik. Kesannya sama seperti minum air batu.
  3. Usah amalkan makan makanan bersifat sejuk atau telah sejuk atau disejukkan. Ia boleh mengakibatkan air mani cair dan terpancut awal.
  4. Jauhi makan makanan yang kuahnya berlinang kerana ia melemahkan zakar.
  5. Jangan terus minum air selepas makan nasi, minum hanya setelah 2 minit suapan terakhir.
  6. Jangan hembus nafas ketika minum, tahani nafas, ini membantu mengelakkan dari mudah lelah ketika jima'.
  7. Elakkan minum air ketika badan sedang panas, selepas berlari atau bekerja berat. Berehatlah terlebih dahulu, sejukkan badan, kemudian barulah minum air.
  8. Jangan makan kepak ayam daging kerana ia melemahkan zakar.
  9. Jangan makan nasi sejuk, panaskan dahulu. Kurangkan dari memakan Pisang Embun.
  10. Elakkan minum air selepas jan 11.00 malam walaupun air panas kerana ia melemahkan otot pinggang dan membawa sengal badan.
  11. Elakkan dari buang air ditempat air bertakung, carilah tempat yang kering.Buang air kecil dahulu kemudian buang air besar. Ini melatih mengawal otot zakar dengan baik.
  12. Jangan amalkan melancap kerana ia memaksa mani keluar dan melemahkan zakar.
  13. Jangan biarkan isteri menindih zakar ketika tidur. Aliran darah yang sempurna amat perlu pada zakar kerana waktu tidur darah menuju zakar, tindihan dari paha dan lutut yang sejuk membantutkan aliran dan melemahkan zakar.
  14. Jika berumur lebih 30 tahun, elakkan dari jima' lebih dari 3 kali seminggu, kerana perlu cukup masa membina kembali tenaga batin. Jangan jima' di dalam air.
  15. Jangan terus minum air selepas jima', rehat dahulu 15 minit.
  16. Jangan biarkan pinggang terhentak dengan kuat kerana mengakibatkan mati pucuk. Jangan biarkan zakar terendam begitu lama selepas klimaks.
  17. Jangan jima' isteri yang sedang haid kerana mendatangkan penyakit.
  18. Jangan cungkil gigi dengan semuncut (tangkai bunga lalang) kerana ia mengakibatkan zakar jadi ngilu dan kurang bertenaga.

7:57 AM | 0 Comments

Installation instructions for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition

1.0 What you will need

You must have the following software and hardware for the installation:
A licensed copy of Microsoft® Windows® Server x64 2003 Edition.
Supported hard disk drives. Go to
http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/serverproven/compat/us/ for the ServerProven® list of supported options and part numbers for the server.
The IBM ServeRAID™ 8.30 (or later) Support CD.
A USB diskette drive.
An Adaptec SAS ServeRAID-8k device driver diskette. (To create the diskette, see
3.1 Creating an Adaptec SAS ServeRAID-8k device driver diskette.)

2.0 Where to download device drivers and files

You can download device drivers and files from the following sites:
IBM U.S. Support Web site:
For countries outside the U.S., start at
IBM device driver download site:
Software and device drivers

3.1 Creating an Adaptec SAS ServeRAID-8k device driver diskette
  1. To create the Adaptec SAS ServeRAID-8k device driver diskette, complete the following steps:
    From an Internet-connected system with a diskette drive, go to:
    https://www-304.ibm.com/systems/support/supportsite.wss/docdisplay?lndocid=SERV-RAID&brandind=5000008; then under ServeRAID controller support, select the file link for accessing the SAS/SATA ServeRAID-8k device driver.
  2. Under Drivers by Operating Systems, select Microsoft Windows 2000 and 2003 link; then, select the IBM ServeRAID support diskette for Microsoft Windows 2003 executable file link.
  3. When the Terms and Conditions window is displayed, select one of the following options:
  • If you select I agree and the Use Download Director is checked (the default), the .exe file is saved to a location that you specify. When you are prompted to launch the file, select Yes; then, go to step 3.
  • If you clear the Use Download Director check box, and select I agree, the File Download window is displayed. Select Save. The .exe file is saved to a local directory. Double-click the .exe file to run it.
  1. When prompted, read the license agreement, select I accept the terms in the license agreement and select Next.
  2. Insert a blank, formatted diskette, and select Next. The device driver files are then extracted to the diskette.
    When prompted, select Finish.
    It is recommended that you update the ServeRAID controller firmware to the same version as the device driver before you install the operating system. You can also download the firmware diskettes from the same Web site that is listed in step 1.

12:05 AM | 0 Comments

Installation of the CVSNT server
cvsnt installer < - download insttaler nya kat sini.. Step to configure :

File system typeMake sure your system is only using the NTFS file system!Also make sure you are logged on as an administrator of the PC (using an account with administrative priviliges).And most important: Use the local disk on the CVSNT server!IMPORTANT for XP-Pro users:

You MUST switch off Simple File Sharing, which is the default for XP (as recommended by Microsoft to make XP somewhat compatible with Win95-98-ME)!You do this by opening a Windows Explorer and then use the menu command Tools/Folder Options. Select the View tab and scroll down to the bottom where you find this item. Uncheck it now!

Now for the actual installation and configuration:

1. Get the latest release of CVSNTGet the latest CVSNT Innosetup installation from Innosetup CVSNT Installer download

2. Create CVS directoriesCreate two directories on the target machine, c:\cvsrepos and c:\cvsrepos\cvstemp. If you have a separate disk partition to spare for CVS then use that instead. The important point here is that the disk where the repository is located on is NTFS.

Directory security and permissionsGive c:\cvsrepos\cvstemp security settings that allows full control for all accounts including SYSTEM.

Important:The cvstemp directory must NOT be located in either c:\WINNT\Temp or anywhere in the "C:\Documents and Settings" tree because these locations have imposed restrictions on user access!Notice that on XP-Pro out of the box from Microsoft the permissions cannot be set like this until "Simple File Sharing" is switched off (see above). So you must do this if you use XP-Pro. XP-Home is totally unsuitable for CVSNT!

4. Install CVSNTRun the downloaded CVSNT setup file and make sure to change the installation path to c:\programs\cvsnt (I am paranoid about removing any spaces in paths used by cvs!)Start screen:

License Agreement

Install directory selection:Note:I strongly recommend that you install CVSNT to a path that does NOT contain any embedded spaces, for example like this:

Installation component selection screen:

Start menu selection:

11:56 PM | 3 Comments

My first car modification

hahah ni la kete aku..beli time sebelom puasa..tp seminggu sblm raya baru dapat..cilakak punnya salesman..."tebu dipinggir bibir btol"
tp ni standard kilang..cume tinted je (tint master)

first thing yang aku tukar..ha ha h ha..ni la dia..Ultra Racing Rear/Front Strut Bar

ni aku tarok UR Front Struct Bar..lepas aku taruk je bende ni..conering 100km pon no hal...mantap gak la...he he he he tp aku tarok yang kecik ja..takot kalau aku tarok yang besar..xlarat plak nak pulas stering..keras siot

eibach prokit sport spring
at last ni la hasilnya... ops..lupa lak nak bg taw..lensso samurai 15' dan falken tyre..dekat 2K jugak ..barua betoi...mahai tyre setting 195/55 R15..petang ni nak kena tukat tyre tu..plan nak letak 185/50 R15..biar nipis sket

11:32 PM | 0 Comments

pergh.....adios amigos..da pilih tamplate untuk blog aku...walaupon x lawa..x kisah la..peduli apa aku..janji bahagia..tujuan aku create blog ni just nak kumpul tutorial and setting yang aku telah buat...so senang aku nak cari balik..so korang peduli apa ok ke x